About BFSL

Bandhan Financial Services Limited (‘BFSL’) is the promoter of Bandhan Financial Holdings Limited (‘BFHL’) and Bandhan Bank Limited. BFSL was incorporated on August 03, 1995 and was registered with Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) as an NBFC MFI, engaged in micro finance activities since 2009. Subsequently, with the license issued by RBI to Bandhan Bank on June, 2015, it transferred the entire assets and liabilities of its micro finance business to Bandhan Bank on August, 2015 puruant to the Guidelines for Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector Banks issued by RBI on February 22, 2013. Prior to the transfer of its business to Bandhan Bank in 2015, BFSL also used to provide support services viz. insurance (in association with LIC), remittance (with Western Union) and pension (with PFRDA, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.) till August, 2015. After the business was transferred to Bandhan Bank, BFSL ceased to have any operation and registered itself with RBI as an NBFC-CIC-ND-SI with effect from September, 2017 vide registration number B-05.05841.

Presently, the only business of BFSL is investments. BFHL is a wholly owned subsidiary of BFSL.