Group Company

Bandhan Financial Holdings Limited (“BFHL/ NOFHC”) was incorporated as a Public Limited Company. It was incorporated to act as the Non-Operating Financial Holding Company (“NOFHC”) in compliance with the Reserve Bank of India ('RBI') Guidelines for Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector dated February 22, 20213 (“guidelines”). It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

BFHL is wholly owned by Bandhan Financial Services Limited ('BFSL'). In terms of the above guidelines, the Company is registered with RBI vide registration no. N-05.07018 and categorised as NBFC - NOFHC.

The Company being a NOFHC, doesn't have any business other than holding investment in the Bank in terms of the Licensing Guidelines. In terms of the guidelines, any other financial business (except the banking business) of the group can be undertaken as a subsidiary under the Company.

For more information:
Corporate Website:

Bandhan Bank was born on August 23, 2015. It became the first microfinance company in India to get a universal banking licence.

For more information:
Corporate Website:

Bandhan AMC Limited ("AMC") (formerly IDFC Asset Management Company Limited), having its Registered Office at One World Centre, 841 Senapati Bapat Marg, Jupiter Mills Compound, Mumbai 400013, is the Asset Management Company of Bandhan Mutual Fund. It had been appointed as the investment manager of the Mutual Fund vide a deed of variation to the Investment Management Agreement, dated May 30th 2008. The Deed of variation to the IMA was entered into between Bandhan AMC Limited and Bandhan Mutual Fund Trustee Limited. The AMC is also engaged in rendering Portfolio Management Services (PMS) registered with SEBI as a Portfolio Manager vide registration no. INP000002064. Further, the AMC also provides investment management services to Alternative Investment Funds registered under SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012.

Bandhan is focused on helping savers become investors and create wealth. With an on-the-ground presence in over 80 cities, the fund house caters to investors in over 790 cities and towns across the country, serving over a million folios representing institutions, corporates, family offices, and individual clients.

For more information:
Corporate Website: |

Mutual Fund Website: |

Established in 2008, Bandhan Life (erstwhile Aegon Life) offers a range of insurance products, including term plans, savings plans, and group insurance.

For more information:
Corporate Website:

The Genisys Group comprises of three companies: Genisys Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd. (Genisys India), based in Bengaluru; Genisys Software Limited, USA (Genisys USA); and Genisys Software Limited, UK (Genisys UK). Genisys India is a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent company, while Genisys USA and Genisys UK are subsidiaries of Genisys India.

The Genisys Group operates in the IT/ITES sector, with offices in the USA, UK, and India. The Group's global delivery center is located in Bengaluru, providing services and solutions across its international markets.

For more information:
Corporate Website: |